Learning Area - Arts 

As the end of the semester draws to close it is important to reflect and acknowledge the great work that out Arts students have completed in the first half of the year.  Once again students and teachers were challenged with bouts of remote learning but for the most part students undertaking Visual and Performing Arts electives spent their time in the classroom making a range of creative works that we can all be very proud of. 



Term 3 is an exciting time for our Arts and Engagement team as it sees the results of months of planning come to fruition with the running of our college musical “The Addams Family”.  Over the upcoming school holidays our cast and crew will undertake a musical camp on campus where they will fine tune their performances and work on set production to bring you a show like no other.  We have all of our fingers and toes crossed that the pandemic will not impact the shows and that we can proceed as planned.  Tickets will go on sale early next term so we invite you to save the dates and get ready to get a little spooky and kooky. 



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