Deputy Principal - Student Wellbeing 

Mr Greg Van Es 

As we return for the start of Semester 2 classes it is important to remind you of the expectations around school attendance.  It is a requirement put in place by the government that students must attend school or be in a full time training course or working.  Where students are absent from school without any notification from parents or guardians the college follows up with a message informing parents/guardians of this and asking for an explanation.  Where there is an extended absence from school without suitable explanation the college will ask for a meeting to discuss our concerns.  Where necessary we will look at possible support programs and return to school options and also the involvement of outside agencies to support students and families in getting back to school. We are very aware of the importance of students being connected to their school and their learning and the impact extended absences from school can have on their academic and well-being progress.

Responsibilities for school attendance


Parents/guardians must enrol a child of compulsory school age at a registered school and ensure the child attends at all times when the school is open for instruction, unless exemption from attendance has been granted. For absences where there is no exemption in place, the parent/guardian must promptly provide an explanation on each occasion to the school. 



Students are expected to attend the school in which they are enrolled during normal school hours every day of term, unless there is an approved exemption from school attendance for the student, or the student is registered for home schooling and has partial enrolment. 



The principal must ensure:

  • daily attendance of each student enrolled at the school is recorded at least twice a day in primary schools and for every class in secondary schools
  • any absences of a student from school, including classes, are identified
  • reasons for each student’s absence are provided and recorded in writing
  • explanations for absences that are provided, are a reasonable excuse for the purposes of their responsibilities under the Act
  • follow up any unexplained absences of a student by contacting the parent/guardian of the student as soon as practicable on the same day
  • parents/guardians are notified promptly regarding a student's unsatisfactory school or class attendance. If, upon being notified of their child's absence or contacted to seek an explanation, a parent reports that the child was not living with them on that day, the school should ensure they notify another parent who was responsible for ensuring the child attended school on the relevant day(s)
  • if contact cannot be made with the parent, contact should be made with the emergency contact/s nominated on the student's file held by the school
  • information regarding a student's unsatisfactory attendance at school or classes is recorded on their student file
  • parents/guardians are informed of their responsibilities around attendance and initiatives aimed at promoting parental awareness of the importance of children attending school every day are implemented
  • attendance improvement strategies, interventions and levels of adjustment are implemented where the absence is having a significant impact on a student’s educational achievement and development, including an Attendance Student Support Group, Personalised Learning Plan, Student Absence Learning Plan and Return to School Plan
  • strategies for supporting attendance of students in out-of-home care, experiencing homelessness, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) families, overseas students, students with disabilities, students with cultural and linguistically diverse backgrounds and newly arrived families are implemented
  • MACS is to be advised prior a referral to a DET School Attendance Officer when a student has been absent from school on at least five full days in the previous 12 months without a reasonable excuse for absence
  • referral processes are implemented to Child FIRST or Child Protection, MACS and the School Attendance Officer where required.
  • refer to Child Protection and Child Safe Standards (PROTECT)