College life in pictures

Happy snaps from the past fortnight!

Dogs' 'pawsome' sense of smell

Year 9 Science were visited by Hobart sniffer dogs, Remy, Ted and Pisco as part of their unit on learning about the senses. Students learnt about the unscented things humans can’t smell, but dogs who have a further 100,000-plus smell receptors can pick up odours associated with pregnancy, allergies, sugar, glucose levels for diabetics, electronics, electricity, money and even coronavirus! 

Year 1 excursion to Risdon Cove 

Finding Mary

The Kinder Koalas recently embarked on a scavenger-style hunt throughout the College to find images, statues and paintings of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Their last stop was by the bell pull, where they watched students ring the College bell for the Angelus. 

Simultaneous storytime 

Year 1 Penguins and Echidnas joined children around Tasmania on Wednesday 19 May as they took part in the National Simultaneous Storytime reading of 'Give me some space!' by Phillip Bunting. 

Indian dancing workshop 

What better way to experience the fun of Indian dancing than to join in? The Year 3 and 4 classes learned about India and developed some new moves in the process during a Bollywood dance session presented by Rhythmz Bollywood dance studio.