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Building Futures Showcase

Senior School students were given a glimpse into what their futures might hold at the College's Building Futures Showcase on Thursday 20 May. 


More than 250 students and their families attended the expo-style event, which featured 21 booths showcasing an extensive range of subject areas, course information, trade and industry resources, and hands-on activities. 


The College's subject specialists and career advisor were on hand to chat with students about the upcoming subject selections process, as well as options for tertiary study and career pathways. 


Parents and carers were invited to be part of this conversation, with the aim to ensure students feel supported and empowered in making important decisions about their futures. 


The event brought together some of Tasmania's leading education, training and employment institutions including the University of Tasmania, TasTAFE Drysdale and Work and Training. 


View more photos from the showcase in our online gallery here

Celebrating 200 years of Catholic education

Monday 24 May marked the day when Catholic Archdiocese across the country commemorated 200 years of Catholic education in Australia. 


Representatives from St Mary's College joined staff and students from a number of southern Tasmanian Catholic schools to celebrate Mass in honour of this significant milestone. 


The Mass was a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge the importance of Catholic education in shaping young people to become adults with values, integrity, justice and faith. 

Fun fact: 
The first Catholic School was opened in 1820 in New South Wales and since then Catholic schools have grown to become the largest provider of schooling in Australia (outside government), with one in five school-age students attending a Catholic school. 
This represents 777,000 students in 1755 schools nationwide and 100,000 teaching and non-teaching staff! 

PJ Day for a good cause

The SMC Vinnies group has once again organised this year’s Winter Woollies drive to collect funds and supplies for the St Vincent de Paul Society’s 2021 Winter Appeal. 


Today students wore their winter woollies or pyjamas to school for a gold coin donation. Students collected warm items of clothing, gloves, beanies and blankets to be distributed via Loui’s Van and to the Society’s clothing stores. The College raised a total of $873 in funds—an incredible effort! 

A cup of nice warm Milo was available for students to purchase from Louis Van at lunchtime on the College Green, with funds going to the service provision of the service on the streets of Hobart.


Belle Young

Youth Minister