



Italian Language & Culture 

at Mackellar Primary School


The emphasis is on listening and speaking. Students continued to learn to greet others, identify and say the colours in Italian. This term the students used the Bookcreator app on their iPads to listen and record their colour words.

Year 1 and 2

Students spent time extending and revising vocabulary on greetings, talking about ourselves and knowing how to say words for classroom equipment. Students played manyItalian games like Tombola and learnt new Italian songs. 

Year 3 and 4

Students in Year 3 and 4 are revising and continuing to date their work in Italian and describe the weather. Students also learnt words and phrases we use in the classroom.  During remote learning the students were exposed to famous landmarks in Italy, such as ‘The Leaning Tower of Pisa’.

Year 5 and 6

Students are continuing to extend their spoken, listening and written Italian through vocabulary and phrases related to classroom equipment. They are exploring how adjectives agree in gender and number with nouns.