What's happening in our classrooms 

Grade 5

Grade 5

What a busy term the Grade 5s have had!


During term 2, the grade 5s have been focusing on summarising and visualising for reading.  Students have been sharing their thinking about visualisations, based on details and information gained from the text.  They have also been using their knowledge about stereotypes in texts, and applying this knowledge to their visualisations.

In writing, we have been looking at poetry.  The students have been experimenting with many different formats such as Haiku, ballads and shapes.  Students learnt about the importance of National Sorry Day and used this knowledge to form a Haiku Poem. They have been using figurative language such as personifications and similes to enhance the reader’s interest.



This term we have focused on decimals, length and perimeter. Students have been recognising decimals in their environment.  They have been reading, writing and modelling decimals to thousandths, using decimats.  Students have also been comparing and ordering decimals, justifying their responses.


They have been measuring the length and perimeter of regular and irregular shapes.  

For the remainder of this term, we will be exploring efficient addition and subtraction strategies when problem solving and measuring angles using protractors.



This semester, the grade 5s have been engaging in the Rights, Responsibilities and Respectful Relationship program. We have been focusing on help seeking and stress management.  Students have worked through scenarios, classifying problems they can solve themselves, with help from a friend, or an adult.  We have also looked at strategies to manage our stress and emotions. Grade 5s regularly practice gratitude reflecting on people and things they are grateful for.


In the middle of all this, we went into another lock down with remote learning.  We were very proud of the resilience, focus and dedication our students showed towards continuing their learning.