Year 7H English
Here are the 7H English students working in groups on an activity that challenges their choices as a writer. Mr Presant came in to help Mrs Wilks-Beasy’s class and joined in with these activities.
Lisa Wilks-Beasy
Head of English, Secondary School Teacher
What does the Bible say about ‘Reconciliation’?
Thank you Mrs Darlison for sharing a devotion with homeroom 7F on ‘reconciliation’ during the National Reconciliation Week.
Although we were under lockdown conditions due to the recent Covid-19 outbreak, our students learnt heaps from Mrs Darlison via ZOOM on what the Bible teaches us about Reconciliation.
Students were able to appreciate that reconciliation is about restored relationships which cannot happen without forgiveness. Reconciliation is more than a word – it takes action.
Louis Fernandes
7F Homeroom Teacher
CSEN Public Speaking Championships
On Tuesday 25th May, St Andrews Christian College was represented by Year 11 students Caitlyn, Michelle, Vicky and Kayle who volunteered to participate in the CSEN Public Speaking Championships hosted at Maranatha Christian School, Officer campus. These four students presented a 4 minute prepared speech plus two impromptu speeches.
Members of of the Debating Association Victoria Association adjudicated these speeches and provided feedback throughout the day with the hope to develop students' understanding of Matter (content) and Manner (presentation) skills. As the day progressed students were expected to listen and embed this feedback into their speeches.
Overall, St Andrews students excelled with their attention to detail, willingness to listen and use feedback, network with other Christian school students and received two ‘Best Speaker Awards’ (Caitlyn Smith 11A and Michelle McCabe 11A) for their speeches. Congratulations to all students involved and we look forward to the CSEN Debating Championships in October, 2021.
Lisa Wilks-Beasy
Head of English, Secondary School Teacher
Year 8 Ice Hockey Excursion
On Thursday 27th May, the entire Year 8 cohort took their talents to the ice and spent the day showcasing their Ice Hockey skills! As part of our health curriculum we are studying international sports, and got to have a fun day learning and playing Ice Hockey!
To see the kids with smiles from ear to ear and having fun with their friends in their final day before another lockdown was such a privilege! If you can’t take my word for it, here’s a photo of the legends in action.
Year 9 & Year 1 Buddies
The Year 9s have been loving getting to know our fun Year 1s and sharing devotions with them! Some highlights have been an egg hunt, and the Year 1s teaching us all a wonderful song/dance.
Cailyn Holland
Year 9 Teacher
Year 9 Guinea Pigs
The Year 9s have class Guinea Pigs named Basil, Cookies & Chester they are very cute and love to cuddle!
Cailyn Holland
Year 9 Teacher
Mission Service Learning in Year 7
Year 7 classes heard from Stephen Barrington, CEO of Foothills Community Care program, on Friday 27th May during their Pastoral Care period as part of their MSL program for the year. Students learned about how Foothills Community Care provide over 600 meals a week for needy families in the Eastern suburbs. Year 12 student and Service Captain Isabelle Baxter also spoke about the benefits of service to the students.
To find out more about the work Foothills Commmunity Care do visit
Andrew Farmer
MSL Coordinator
Chinese Language News - Oral Exam Prep
On Tuesday, 15th June, our Year 12 Chinese students (First Language and Second Language Advanced) had a mock oral examination. This was conducted with the help of a guest teacher, Ms Lynn Li. Ms Li was very impressed by the students’ attitude to their studies and by the support given to Chinese Language by the College. The mock oral examination plays an important part in preparing the VCE students for their external oral examination that will take place at the end of the year.
Nelly Wang
VCE Chinese Language Teacher
Year 12 Mathematical Methods – Modelling Autonomous Driving
Once upon a time, autonomous transportation could only be seen in Sci-fi movies. However, this is now certainly the most exciting frontier technology. Tesla, Texas Instruments (TI), Google and other companies are vigorously testing their cars aiming at realising full autonomous driving, which will be a multi-trillion global economy project.
Recently at St Andrews, a group of Year 12 Math Methods students were investigating how to apply their mathematical knowledge to model a car that could enter and exit a parking bay autonomously. Students modelled the path with a various possible of functions, including Trigonometric and Polynomial functions, together with Calculus, Algebra and Problem-Solving skills to program their TI-nspire CAS calculator and enable the TI-Rover (autonomous car) to manoeuvre in and out from a parking space with an obstacle car in front.
It is my pleasure to work with our year 12 students to bring the mathematical theories and concepts on paper alive! Although, we have not gotten a successful model (yet!), the discussion, analysis, bouncing back of various questions and ideas together with co-operative teamwork during the process was most invaluable!
Angel Wong
Head of Mathematics, Secondary School Teacher