Amazing Senses
This term in science we have been studying our 5 senses. We use our eyes to see, ears to hear, hands and feet to touch/feel, nose to smell and tongue to taste. We enjoyed experiments including scavenger hunts, guessing games, touching and tasting.
The Prep children walked back into the classroom after library and could smell popcorn without seeing or hearing it being made.
Our favourite experiment was when we explored different tastes. We got to taste sweet grapes, salty chips and sour lemons. The children looked at their taste buds on their tongues and were amazed at how God created us with these amazing senses that can work by sending messages to our brain.
Shellene Pillifeant
Prep Teacher
Zoom Full of Fun
The Preps had fun practising our phonograms while we were on Zoom! We wrote tricky words, drew amazing pictures and enjoyed a few games of “Man in the Box”. (Mrs Sires never wins because the Preps are too clever!)
We also loved seeing our friends each morning for Devotions on Zoom. Many Preps also enjoyed “Fun and Fitness” with Mrs Appleby and Mr Farmer on Wednesday afternoons.
When Mrs Hughes taught us STEM on Zoom, we saw the cheeky monkeys and laughed about their new, crazy adventures. A few parents even joined the STEM Zooms to “meet” the cheeky monkeys!
Sonia Sires and Nicole Ng
Prep S Teachers
Lockdown Legends of Year 2!
The Year 2s were true legends during our lockdown and had so much fun learning from home. We are so proud of their resilience and hard work. Here are some pictures of the amazing posters some of the Year 2s created from their scavenger hunt at home.
We also had a blast on Zoom together and were so thankful that we could stay connected through technology. Well done on a super term Year 2.
Tayla Moss, Judith Hendricks, Olivia Tay and Warwick Grant
Year 2 Teachers
Mont De Lancey Historic Homestead
On the 19th of May, the Year 2 students went on an excursion to Mont De Lancey Historic Homestead. We got the chance to experience what life was like during the colonial times.
The students were taught how to make a rope, a peg person and a lovely lavender bag. They saw many olden-day things, like a very old piece of homemade soap and old sheep-shearing clippers.
They also attended an olden-day school, sat at wooden school desks and wrote with chalk on blackboards. The highlight of the day was attending a wedding ceremony in a small chapel. A male student and a female student got dressed up as the groom and the bride and pretended that they were marrying each other!
Olivia Tay
Year 2 Teacher
The Tale of Despereaux - From The Pages to the Stage
The children in 4C have been reading their class novel The Tale of Despereaux this term and they are enjoying the book very much. Just before the recent lockdown, the class was given the task to act out a section of the novel in groups.
They highlighted their lines, practised their acting and narrating and even made props for their skits. Fortunately before lockdown the children finally got the chance to perform and showcase their amazing actor/actress skills. Well done, 4C for your wonderful performances!
Paige Cheung
Year 4 Teacher
Year 3 Poetry
Acrostic poems:
Cinquain poems:
Anthea Albertus
Year 3 Teacher
Year 4 Learning From Home
During our 2 weeks of Online learning Year 4s once again, learnt so much, showing resilience, patience and flexibility.
Some students shared their oral presentations on their favourite hero and their talks were presented with confidence and enthusiasm. Students went into break out room and practiced their debates with their peers.
We celebrated Zara’s birthday, singing Happy Birthday, using the flute and piano and did our best singing on Zoom.
We brought both our soft toys and shared our pets during morning devotions
BUT, we still missed seeing each other face to face and looked forward to connecting with each other back in the classroom.
Gail van Heerden
Year 4 Teacher
Things we thank God for in Year 2
In Year 2 Biblical Studies recently we learned about Jesus healing the 10 men who suffered from Leprosy, and how only one came back to praise and thank Jesus.
Jesus Heals Ten Men With Leprosy
Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”
When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.
One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.
Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” Luke 17:11 – 19
The students were invited to write and draw on cards “Things we thank God for in Year 2”. These were placed in the lawn for all to see.
Warwick Grant
College Chaplain
Year 5 Art Excursion
On Thursday May 27 Year 5 students went to McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery for an Art excursion. The students enjoyed a walking tour of the sculpture park with a guide and learnt about many of the sculptures within the park.
They were then taken on a tour of some of the sculptures inside the gallery where the education officer Marie helped the students gain insight into the meaning and elements of several different sculptures. The students went on to create a sculpture from various recycled materials in small groups.
After our lunch break we went on a walking tour and the students had the opportunity to draw various sculptures and also create a small sculpture with natural materials.
It was a great day and we were blessed to be able to enjoy this day, running around and exploring God’s creation and artists’ creations – despite the short bursts of rain, before the lockdown.
Sally Darlison
Art Teacher
A Trip down Memory Lane
As part of our narrative writing unit, 6E enjoyed reading through some of our old writing pieces from Prep, Year 1 or 2, and seeing how much our writing has improved over time.
We then had a go at editing and improving our old stories to change them into great narratives using our Year 6 writing strategies. We had a lot of fun doing this activity, and the students especially enjoyed seeing Mrs Edwards’ own stories from when she was in Prep!
Chelsea Edwards
Year 6 Teacher
Year 6 Captains Excursion
On Tuesday 25th May, our Year 6 Captains were incredibly blessed to be able to attend the GRIP Student Leadership Conference. The conference was held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre with approximately 2500 primary school students from around Victoria. It was a wonderful day of learning, interacting with student leaders from other schools and gaining practical tips of how we can best lead our school. Well done Year 6 Captains!
Chelsea Edwards
Year 6 Teacher
Performing for Preppies
In Drama, 6L students performed a puppet show to entertain the Preps via Zoom as part of their drama lesson's puppetry unit. The puppets sang to ... ‘The Bellybutton Song’ and ‘Space Unicorn’!
Chelsea Edwards, Melanie Lepileo, Karen Elbourne
Year 6 Teachers
Learning on Campus During Lockdown
Mrs Ireson led devotion on the first day of the lockdown for the week and Year 1 students created their dream backyards with cardboard construction.
Loueen Swank
Learning Assistant