Kindergarten and Year 6

Kindergarten Teachers

Meet the Teacher - Mrs Kate Wickson

Describe yourself in 3 words or less?  

Kind, encouraging, inquisitive

What/who inspired or influenced you to become a teacher?  

My father and my Year 2 Teacher, Mrs Robertson.

What is your favourite colour?  

Blue and Green

What was your favourite subject in school?  

History and Writing

What do you do on the weekends to relax?  

Play hockey with friends, gardening and helping out on our farm

Do you own any pets? 

Two dogs, Archie and Charlie (hundreds of unwanted mice!)


Meet the Teacher - Miss Georgina MacDiarmid

Miss MacDiarmid's students also had a turn in answering the 'Meet the Teacher' questions about Ms MacDiarmid.  See what they thought below.


Describe yourself in 3 words or less?  

Passionate, Dedicated and Energetic.

Kindergarten Class Answer - Nice, rainbow earrings, looks beautiful.


What/who inspired or influenced you to become a teacher?  

My Kindergarten Teacher, Mrs Gizz. She was the most kind and gentle teacher I knew. 


What is your favourite colour?  

Rainbow. But if I had to pick one Blue.

Kindergarten Class Answer - Blue, Pink, Orange.. I guess Rainbow.  


What was your favourite subject in school?  

Drama and Music and PE. I can’t decide!

Kindergarten Class Answer - Learning how to be a teacher. Learning how to be kind. Learning how to grow your brain… and what does subject mean?


What do you do on the weekends to relax?  

Walk my puppy dog Posie, go out for brunch with my friends and family, baking.

Kindergarten Class Answer - Play with Posie, walk to get exercise with Posie, like bringing Mango (our class pet Rhino) home. 


Do you own any pets? 

Yes, a naughty 10 month old Labrador. 

Kindergarten Class Answer - Yes Posie and she is called that because she loves to pose in pictures!

Year 6

Meet the Teacher - Mrs Megan Green

Describe yourself in 3 words or less?  

Bright, bookworm, chocoholic

What/who inspired or influenced you to become a teacher? 

My nanna 

What is your favourite colour?  


What was your favourite subject in school?  


What do you do on the weekends to relax?  

I have two tiny children

Do you own any pets? 

A black labrador called Shadow and a golden labrador called Daisy


Year 6 Around the Classroom - Music lessons with Mrs Brassil and spending time helping our Kindy buddies.