Class News 

A small snapshot of the week that WAS......

Year 6B

Brownies, paper planes, shadow puppet shows, germ experiments and food safety and hygiene tutorials are just some of what the senior school have been up to over the last week. We have thoroughly enjoyed still being able to connect via Google Meets in the morning and afternoon and staying connected as much as possible. We are working on still being connected spiritually by investigating how Saints show the Holy Spirit through their lives and discussing who and where can we turn to for help when we feel lost. We have still enjoyed being outside to be active, continuing to look after our whole selves with brain breaks when we need them, which allow us to continue to challenge ourselves for the duration of the day. 

Sarah Black

Year 6B Teacher

Year 5H

In the senior school we have been learning about Biomimicry. This is the 'science of copying life'. Scientists, researchers and engineers study how living creatures navigate the challenges of life. They then use this to help solve human challenges or improve how we live.



We have been producing shows with shadow puppets









In Maths we have been creating digital data displays.







I have learnt to be more hygienic when cooking

and also that chocolate is actually a fruit  :)





Emma Herbert and Antoinette Ferrari

Year 5HF Teachers

Year 3/4

In Year 3 and 4, for reading this week we read an article about a funny wildlife photo competition on the Kidsnews website.  After reading the article we were asked to recreate one of the funny photos and enter it in a Year 3/4 photo competition.  When we return to school we will have all our entries displayed and prizes will be awarded!  Take a look at some of our entries.  You can look at the original photos to see how well we went!

Cathy Busch, Sarah Contin, Jess Conway, Mandi Joplin

Year 3/4 Teachers 

Year 2WL

We were impressed with all the hard work the Year 2s did online. They showed lots of independence and commitment to learning over the last 2 weeks which was really pleasing and greatly appreciated.

Rana's Noah’s Ark which created in RE
Rana's Noah’s Ark which created in RE

Bernie Whiffen and George Lithotomos

Year 2WL Teachers

Year 1S

Below are some photos of the work that the Year 1s have been doing. We have been reading the book Tiny Whale and learning the digraph 'wh as in wheel' so we got very creative making our own whales!

Bridie Slater

Year 1S Teacher


We found different informal units of measurement around our house, such as teddy bears, dolls and pencils, that we could use to measure our own height.

We made a prediction about how tall we thought we would be and then spoke about how tall we were using our amazing length language to explain our thinking! 

We are now measuring superstars!

Holly Capomolla and Aoife Tierney

Prep Teachers