Principal Report

Dear Parents and Guardians,
School Review – Self-Evaluation: If you have not already completed the survey about the highlights of Melton West over the past 4 years as part of our Self-Evaluation, please click on the link below to make your choice. We would like to know which highlight you consider to be the greatest.
- Melton West PS has great community spirit.
- Principal Class members are on yard duty before and after school, greeting families and students. It’s a great to be able to say hi and communicate with them.
- The Yarning Circle is terrific because of the connection it brings.
- The Tutor Learning Initiative program has been fantastic
- The independence the school creates for our students.
- The physical improvements at Melton West PS with all the new buildings and facilities.
- Melton West PS is a very welcoming and inclusive school.
- The high expectations our staff and students hold.
- Involving parents in authentic learning with their child (2021 Prep Parents).
- The school’s willingness to accept change, to hear new ideas from the community.
- The level of engagement and communication with parents through Class Dojo which helps parents create a conversation at home with their children.
- High level of staff morale (working closely together for the benefit of the children)
- Improved student behaviours
- The diversity and different cultures of our community.
- Increased parent engagement.
- The school’s response to remote and flexible learning in 2020, where every available resource was utilised
- The ability of the staff to respond to change due to remote learning.
- The flexibility of teachers to respond and adapt during remote learning, to support students.
- Playgroup is a great feature of Melton West PS.
Or you could respond by sending an email to and writing the number next to the Highlight, and a comment if you wish. This link will remain open until Friday 28th May 2021. SURVEY Link:
Attendance: Remember EVERY MINUTE COUNTS. Did you know that if your child’s attendance falls below 80% that means they have missed the equivalent of 1 day a week EVERY week for the year so far? That is a lot of learning to miss and a lot of social interaction and connection with their friends and peers. Whilst we are very aware of the need to stay home when we are unwell, especially during this pandemic, anyone who is well, should come to school. Whilst this ideal world would have everyone here on time every day, we do understand that there may be times when children need to arrive late. In this case we prefer them to come for as much of the day possible because we firmly believe that being at school for 4 ½ hours out of 6 is better than not coming at all.
Student Attitude to School Survey: Over the next week or so the children in Years 4, 5 and 6 will be undertaking a short survey about how they are finding various elements of school, including how much their teacher listens to their ideas, their interactions with their peers and how challenging the work is. This survey provides valuable information to us about what we can do to improve what we do here at school, giving the children an opportunity to put their views forward. Any parents who do not want their child to participate can send an email to stating that you would like them to opt-out of completing this survey.
Before School Care: I have had a few parents who have asked about a Before School Care program. At the moment the company believes there is not enough demand for the program to be financially viable to run Before School, however if you would use this service if it did become available, you might consider contacting the company – EXTEND – directly to let them know. Hopefully if they get enough interest they may consider re-establishing a Before School care Program on-site at Melton West PS. Their phone number is: 1300 366 437
School Council Training: Over the past few weeks, a few members of the newly formed School Council has been undergoing training about the role of School Council and what they need to do as School Councillors. I would like to thank them for their participation in this important training as it does take them away from their families for over 2 hours for each module.
Annual Report to School Community: On Monday 24th May we will be holding our Annual Report to the School Community where the 2020 Annual Report is presented and share with any interested community members. The meeting will be held in the Staffroom, starting at 7.00pm sharp. Access to the school on this evening will be via the double gates in West Melton Drive, near the Yarning Circle. The 2020 Annual Report will be available on our website from Tuesday or a hard copy can be collected from the office for anyone interested.
High Levels of Learning for All
Michelle Costa
School Captain Report
Hello Melton West Primary School.
We hope your week has been going well so far!
Ever since last Wednesday we have had a Polynesian club going on. We asked Maile Nafe to tell us about the club and what they do every Wednesday lunch
“We learn traditional dances and songs about our country, Samoa and other Polynesian countries like Fiji, New Zealand, Tonga etc.”
“They also teach us about tradition and ancestry.”
“Alongside that they teach us about festival regarding our country and what we can do there”
The club is very interesting and quite captivating for people who wonder about their Polynesian country’s backgrounds and ancestry. If you can, you are encouraged to join if you would like to learn about the Polynesian Arts and ancestry.
Thank you!