Business Manager

Hugh Bradridge

Business Manager











Please note that the Term 4 College fees and levies were issued on Monday 19th October. If not yet paid, these fees are now overdue. Thank you for those who have fully paid their school fees.


If you have periodic repayments in place, please ensure the amount you are currently paying, either weekly, fortnightly or monthly will cover your outstanding school fees, by the end of November.


Covid-19 continues to challenge us. For many families, uncertainty about family incomes remains. The College will continue to assist those families most impacted by falls in family income, reducing their capacity to cover living costs, including school fees. It is not in the best interests of a family, or of the College, for a large school fee debt to build up, and without capacity to repay that debt.


As a College, our expectation is that families pay what they can reasonably afford to, given the level of family income and individual circumstances. Fee relief is available to families in genuine need. Our intention is that family financial circumstances will not prevent any child in our College from attending our school.


Information related to available fee concessions is located on the College web site. If you haven’t yet sought available fee concessions, please do so as a matter of priority for you and your family. It is also important that families do stay in touch with us, and advise us of your particular circumstances (contact details below).


If you have any queries or concerns about the payment of College fees, please contact the College on 4044 4200, or any of the following email addresses               Principal                    Mr Wayne Wood                    Business Manager  Mr Hugh Bradridge                             Finance Accounts Team