Assistant Principal

Student Wellbeing

Doug Belton

Assistant Principal  | Student Wellbeing









As we wind up the school year, I take the opportunity to congratulate all staff, students and parents for their efforts that kept our community buzzing along in the face of the challenges put before us. I once mentioned at assembly that the burden of COVID restrictions was an opportunity to face hardship and therefore grow resilience. I’ll stop short of calling COVID a blessing in this regard, but as parents and educators, I think it is important to realise that hardship is an ingredient for positive character building, Through effort and setbacks, we learn how to succeed and we need to remember to allow our children opportunity to experience difficulty. I’m sure that 2021 will have its own set of challenges for all individuals but I’m confident that it will be a well worth it.


Looking to 2021, I ask all parents and students to start the year looking not to create challenges out of the small things but focus on the real issues. For example, there is no need to push boundaries on College expectations of personal grooming and uniform. Getting those small things right allows the energy to focus on things like adjusting habits or indeed attitudes with the view of setting and reaching career or life goals.


I’d like to express my best sentiments to our graduated cohort who have done our College proud. I wish all a safe, relaxing, adventurous and rewarding holiday period. I look forward to meeting up again next year.