SMCC Run in the Park

Clare Zappala












On Saturday 14th November, staff, students, families and members of the St Mary’s community met on the Esplanade for a social 3km or 5km walk or run, followed by a BBQ breakfast. With a COVID-safe plan in place, this was a fantastic opportunity for our community to come together after a difficult year and participate in physical activity (the benefits of which are certainly no secret to our mental and physical wellbeing).


Thank you to all staff and students who volunteered their time to assist in the running of this event. Particular thanks to William Galvin, Imogen Harris, Khobi Evans, Abigail Kanagaratnam, Paige Harris, Mrs Selsby and Mr Carey for cooking the BBQ breakfast. Thanks also to Mr Harris, Mr Jobling and Lisa Galvin for assisting with set-up and pack-down.