Remembrance Day 2020

Margaret Marton

Humanities Teacher













To commemorate Remembrance Day, last Wednesday on November 11th, St Mary’s held a ceremony of respect at 11am. It was led by the 2021 College Captains, Imogen Harris and William Galvin, and ran for five minutes via the College PA system.




The ceremony incorporated the live trumpet rendition of the Last Post and the Rouse played by Andrew Oxford from Year 10. A small Remembrance Cross was placed at the College Memorial by a Year 11 student, Kelly Kaine, on behalf of all students. 




The students lowered the flags to half-mast for the day. This simple ceremony finished with the College praying The Hail Mary together. It is important to promote cultural traditions especially a global one such as this.


Interestingly, as some seniors were walking out of their final QCAA exam they were listening to the Last Post. What a memory!!