Principal's Message

Wayne Wood










To our St Mary’s Community


At the heart of all we do at St Mary’s, it is to grow good people who can make a difference in our world. It is a simple yet powerful sense of purpose that underpins a St Mary’s education. In a year that has tossed up many surprises, this simple mission has guided us well. Students and staff can be very proud of all that has been achieved against the backdrop of what has been a challenging year.


Farewell 2020 Seniors

This week we farewelled our 2020 Seniors. We had a very moving and emotional Graduation Mass in the Nazareth Pavilion, which was followed by our traditional guard of honour. It was a fitting farewell and I thank all involved for your support as we celebrated this fine group of students.


I thank the 2020 Seniors for their contribution to our College and especially their leadership this year. We pray that God will “light their way” and that they themselves will be the “light for the world” they are called to be. We also pray that they will be safe during this time of transition.


Year 6 Transition Day

As we farewell one group, we welcome the next. On Thursday this week, we hosted our Year 6 students who are enrolled at St Mary’s in 2021. We thoroughly enjoyed meeting these students and look forward to beginning our relationship with our new members as well as their families.


Unison Magazine

We are thrilled to release the 2020 Unison Edition. I wish to thank Mrs Alison Krause and Miss Bec Sharkey for their contribution to the production of our magazine. I am sure you will enjoy this publication. As I flipped through the pages, I was reminded of just how much we have accomplished; especially in a year that has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic.


College Board

The College Board plays a significant role in our College and in supporting me as Principal. I take this opportunity to thank them for their contribution and commitment to our College. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the College Board and have benefited from the many discussions and shared wisdom.


On behalf of the College I thank the following Board Members:


  • Craig Blackburn (Board Chair)
  • Andrea Jackson
  • Jason Miller
  • Gabrielle Donnelly
  • Nareeta Davis
  • Kerry Brown
  • Mark Ligasacchi
  • Brett Moller
  • Hugh Bradridge (ex officio)
  • Margaret Neville (ex officio)
  • Fr Martin Kenny (ex officio)

I especially thank our out-going Board Members – Craig Blackburn, Andrea Jackson, Gabrielle Donnelly and Mark Ligasacchi. You leave a strong legacy for those joining our Board. Our College is a better place because of you.


I am pleased to welcome the following members to our Board in 2021:

  • Cheryl-Lee Fitzgerald
  • Tracy Gardiner
  • Brett Stallbaum
  • Tammy van der Reijden

Family Connect

The Annual General Meeting for our Family Connect (formerly known as P&F Association) was held on the 10th of November.


I thank all who attended and congratulate the following parents who were elected to the Family Connect Executive for 2021:

  • President - Paul De Boom
  • Vice President - Andrew McLean
  • Secretary - Janine Papa Michael
  • Treasurer - Vacant
  • Diocesan Representative - Marina Dunstan
  • Diocesan Representative – Vacant

I take this opportunity to especially thank Eloise Harnett and Mark Ligasacchi for their years of service to College and Family Connect.


Semester 2 Reports

Student reports will be released in early December and I encourage everyone to use the information contained in the reports to discuss your child’s goals for next year.


Finally, as we prepare for the Christmas break may I thank all families for their valuable contributions and support during 2020. I wish all families a happy, holy and safe Christmas and look forward to reuniting in 2021.


In Faith, Hope and Love.


God Bless


Wayne Wood