7 Physical & Health






On Tuesday last week our Year 7s had their first class on the basketball court under the newly-constructed roof; very welcome on what turned out to be quite a warm spring day!


The activity they undertook, in small group collaboration, was to brainstorm how they would like to feel in a learning environment when discussing a subject that may make them feel uncomfortable, curious or even a little nervous.


The students got to work. Each group came up with five expectations they would want to see in a ‘classroom agreement’ whilst undertaking the upcoming Sex Ed unit; a whole group discussion pursued.


Suggestions for the ground rules included: respect each other’s opinions and choices, be understanding, listen carefully to each other, be kind, make an effort and have fun.


In practical PE time, students will be moving on to play 'hybrid sports' which are unique games with rule blends and equipment combinations taken from various more traditional sports, such as Ultimate Frisbee.

What the 7s will cover is still to be confirmed, as there will be a fair amount of student agency and choice in this unit; likely it could include some classics such as Tchoukball, some more contemporary mish-mashes like Quidditch and one of Preshil's newest popular adaptations of Euro Handball aka 'Tchoukball'. Working in teams, they will use these as inspiration to create and design their own games and test out playing them later this term!


Ashleigh Greaves

 teacher of Year 7 Physical & Health Education
