Careers Hub
Careers Hub
Welcome back to Term 4. Check out the latest What Career is That? Learn about another interesting and fascinating job you may or may not have thought of. I hope these insights might answer some of those questions like:
"Why do we need to know this?" and,
"When will we ever use this in real life?" We also have a host of new careers resources and activities for you to explore.
Last week students in year 12 would have received an email with information and links about this new initiative. This kit has been developed to help students understand the education, training, career opportunities and pathways available to them in 2021.
Transitioning from school can sometimes be challenging and COVID-19 has presented some additional challenges. The aim of this kit is to help support you in making decisions about your next steps after leaving school and to equip you with resources to be better informed about your education, training and work options.The National Career Institute’s(NCI) School Leavers Information Kithas been specially developed to help you at this time and includes:
The NCI has also set up the
School Leavers Information Service. This is a free support to help navigate the School Leavers Information Kit and the NCI’s
'YourCareer' website and where necessary, will refer callers to relevant government programs, support services, and or career guidance. Through this service young people also have the option to:
Call: 1800 CAREER or 1800 227 337
Text: SLIS2020 to 0429 009 435
The website provides a host of other information for all ages including links to support services that are available to help find employment, manage your own wellbeing and look after your rights. Find out if you are eligible for any of the programs and payments available for people seeking to study or work.
Available for Year 11 students entering year 12 in 2021. This program, in partnership with Swinburne University, focuses on students’ individual skills and transitions them into tertiary study during their final year of Secondary education. The program is designed to support students who are otherwise capable but may not (for various reasons)wish to pursue an ATAR. Students undertake assessed Diploma subjects, which must include Language and Literature, and develop a CAS Project while attending Swinburne University once weekly to undertake two University units.
Students must also complete any prerequisite subjects for their chosen pathway.
Enrolments are opening soon! Information session will be advertised soon. For more information please download the brochure below:
Curious about Science and the Environment?
Curious about love Business and Marketing?
Curious about Sport and Recreation?
Curious about Health and Society?
Curious about Biostatistics and Informatics?
Curious about Engineering and resources?
Head on over to AMSI for more Careers with Maths. I think you'll be surprised!
In the future, could you be a robot ethicist? An off-world habitat designer? A personal brand manager? A biofilm plumber? A smart dust wrangler? Take the quiz and find out!
Please remember to log in and read your Compass News Feed as we regularly post updated information about tertiary open days, information sessions, work experience and workshop opportunities, updated Careers and industry news and a host of other information. You can also set up notification alerts on your phone for Compass so you will be instantly notified and never miss anything.
You can also find a complete calendar of events here on our Careers Website
Careers Website:
Ace Day Job Videos: Preshil Clickview
Useful Links: Australian Jobs 2019
Foundation of Young Australians: Reports
Future focused: 100 Jobs of the Future
VTAC Resources: Year 10 Guide
VTAC Resources: Year 11 Guide
Explore Careers: In Tech Videos
If you haven't already done so please take a few moments to visit our dedicated Careers Website. Remember if you have an account in the Student Portal and can sign in here but, if not, simply register here using your Preshil email. Once logged in try out some of the online activities, interests, skills and abilities and other Careers quizzes.
You can now contact me in the Online Careers Hub in Zoom. Please use this link on the Preshil Careers website to make an appointment because it syncs to my calendar to avoid clashes. If you have any questions, concerns or need a face to face appointment please email me anytime at
Thanks to Jacky Burton from the Yarra Career Practitioners Group and Compass Career News who tirelessly each year has put together a lot of the one-sheet information guides that help us collate tertiary course information into the one place for students to easily access.