From the Principal's Desk

With Mrs Michelle Barrett

As we are now approaching the half way point of Term 4 2020, it has been fabulous to see learning opportunities returning to some kind of normality. Students in the Secondary department have begun to play interschool sport again and we are planning extracurricular opportunities for both Primary and Secondary students in 2021. Our students are responding well to the expectations this term has placed upon them as they move into many final formal assessment opportunities for the year.


Last week I had the opportunity to visit several Primary classes and was reassured that we are delivering considered and differentiated literacy programs to our students, who have continued to show positive growth, despite the loss of face to face teaching in Term 1. This is a testament to our dedicated class teachers who take advantage of every opportunity to inspire and deliver creative and engaging lessons. 


Mrs Schaefer's class, 1/2 Gold, was learning how to follow instructions through decorating cupcakes. They were very creative and the activity showed how important it was to ensure the instructions were followed in the correct order. The students had a wonderful day and were fully engaged in the learning activity.


Mrs Harbison’s class was also totally focused on the literacy activities, with Mrs Harbison working closely with all students to ensure they complete activities and fully understand the concepts they had been taught.


1/2 Gold Hugless Douglas and the great cake bake - following procedures, students had a great start to the day!





1/2 Blue Mad Maggie- Dreamtime Story discussion about connections, Beautiful learning environments. 


Molong Central School will receive a significant demountable which will be available for an Out of School Care provider to deliver supervision of students from Kindergarten to Year 6 before and after school as well as during the school holidays. This addition to our school can also be utilised by our staff for much needed additional learning space during the school day. The building should be available from the start of Term 1 2021. 


Year 12 students are nearing the completion of their Higher School Certificate Examinations and are looking forward to their Formal on the 13th November. In the weeks to come, I look forward to sharing a list of their accomplishments, including University offers, apprenticeships and traineeships, as well as their academic achievements.