Music Notes

Alisa Houlihan

Changes to the Year 7 Band Program.

Prior to school commencing this term, the Government released its ‘School Operations Guide for term 4’ for implementation in all schools.

These guidelines contained specific information for music teachers and the running of music programs in schools that stated:

 “Choirs and woodwind/brass instrument use is not permitted in schools, except where required for essential assessments.”

This means that sadly, our Year 7 Band Program cannot operate this term.

As an alternative, Year 7 students who are timetabled to complete music this term will undertake an intensive guitar and keyboard/piano program.  During this program they will learn skills on these instruments that reinforce the rhythm and notation reading skills completed in class.

Students will also be able to learn songs and develop performance skills.

All ability levels will be able to be accommodated and students will be able to work at their own pace. We will be using a combination of conventional sheet music and iPad Apps to achieve this.

This program will run during the normal timetabled music classes once per week and will have two fully qualified music staff timetabled to each of these classes to assist the students.

There is no cost to parents/guardians to participate in this program and students do not have to download additional apps on their devices as the College owns a number of iPads that we can use during classes. 


Alisa Houlihan 

Arts Faculty Leader