Director of Students 

Darren Beks

Uniform Trial

During the initial weeks of Term 4, a trial will be conducted with girls' shorts. Several girls will model navy girls' shorts each day, and will seek feedback from students and staff. This feedback will assist with preparation of a proposal to the College Leadership Team from the Uniform Committee, the consideration of a change to our current uniform policy and possible introduction date. Opinions from any parents or guardians are equally encouraged via email


Hair Policy

A number of students have returned to on-site classes with hair requiring attention. Could parents/guardians please note the hair policy in the Student Planner for reference, and action haircuts as soon as possible?


Sun Safe Policy-Hats

The summer uniform includes the hat, which must be worn by students at recess and lunch when outside, and for Physical Education classes or other programs on outdoor environments. Replacement hats can be purchased from the canteen if lost, or in a state of disrepair. 


Darren Beks 

Director of Students