Healthy News 


Celebrating Footy Colours Day at SMPPS 

Is more than just celebrating the Australian Football League Grand Final. 


Regardless of which team you support or don’t, or which team may win or lose this weekend, it is an opportunity for us to learn and celebrate our diversity. 


This week students have been in discussion about the different teams in the AFL competition and how they may deal with winning and losing. Students explored what good winners and good losers look, sound and feel like. 


The focus was on having empathy, and winning and losing gracefully. We spoke about how our reactions show others about the kind of competitor we are. Students suggested that graceful winners could say things like “good game” or “thanks for playing,“ and they humbly acknowledge their opponents’ efforts. Graceful losers think about what they might do to improve next time instead of blaming, making excuses or being angry.


Jarn Osman PE