Library News

Data to shows our students like to read!
Since the students have returned to school a number of students have been borrowing new books that have been catalogued. From the data below Year 7 have borrowed out the most books which is great to see them engaging in their reading. I hope to see an increase from our upper years over the next few weeks.
E-books also seem to be popular with all of our students and I have been able to expand our current collection of titles.
315 total loans for the month October to November which has been great. Some of our reluctant readers enjoy the online platform to search for books that they enjoy to read. I hope with our expanding selection that I see an increase of books borrowed and requested for the rest of term.
What would you like to see in the Library in 2021?
Feedback - Google form
I have created google form for you to fill in. I would really appreciate it for you to take two minutes to fill in this form. 200 House points will be on offer to the first 20 students who replies.
Join your local Public Library YPRL
All public libraries in Victoria are free to join and provide an endless supply of reading materials, fun programs, activities and more. Ask your library what is on offer when you visit.
Becoming a member is as simple as joining online to gain immediate access to online resources. You can join Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service by visiting the following link
Once you visit a library you need to show your ID with a parent/guardian (if under 18) to become a full member and gain access to physical books and resources. You can access the online resources as soon as you join.
Join your local library and explore all the great cultural options available for recreational enjoyment
Happy Reading!
Trish Bennett
College Librarian