Attendance Update

Attendance is valued very highly at ECSC. The return to on-site learning has seen an increase in attendance across all year levels. We also have more students than ever who are demonstrating 100% attendance on a weekly basis. Well done to these students and remember 'every day counts' at Edgars Creek Secondary College.
Students who have high attendance are:
- More connected to the college and their peers
- Experience higher levels of educational outcomes
- Develop and have more opportunities for successful learning.
Our Attendance Goals at ECSC
- We aim for every student to have 90%+ attendance at ECSC.
- Attendance is a partnership between the college, parents/carers and the student.
- We acknowledge students with high attendance through:
- House Points
- Assembly Awards
- Positive Communication Home
If you are concerned or are finding it difficult to get your child to school, contact us, we are here to help and support you. Community partnerships are essential in supporting your child at ECSC.
Phil Adams
Middle Years Assistant Principal