Senior School Update

Year 9 into 10 Course Counselling conferences
This year in response to COVID-19 we conducted the Year 9 into year 10 Course Counselling Conferences via telephone with parents/guardians and students on the 15 of October.
We received strong support with well over 70 students and families booking Conferences via Compass to discuss course and career options with our career and course teachers.
The telephones conference covered the following important topics to support our students moving successfully into Senior School in 2021.
Each Conference discussed the following areas:
- students areas interests/aspirations
- results of each students Career Planning assessment (Morrisby) to learn more about the Morrisby Career assessment please follow the link above
- students & families received an indicative copy subject choices for 2021.
- future course options such VCE/VCAL/VET Future Trades/Scholarships etc opportunities please refer to image above which provides a brief overview of the wide range of course pathways options available to our students.
- overview of Year 10 program 2021
- Senior School expectations such as 95% attendance
- Other supports available to students and families with referrals to services such as Wellbeing, financial payment plans etc.
Update on the further development of the Year 10 Course Program in 2021
We continue to do further planning to ensure we provide an academically challenging and and highly engaging year 10 program for our students in 2021 with a wide range of experiences, events, expos, activities and opportunities to get all of our students motivate and engaged in their learning.
The year 10 program will include the following key features:
- Formal year 10 exams will be introduced in both semester one & two, prior to the examination period the students will have extensive opportunities to develop time management skills, develop writing exam techniques, and gain insight into the most effective practices to maximise their academic results. We are very pleased to announce Elevate will be our program partner offering specialist workshops, resources, exam techniques that are presented by highly engaging and high achieving current university students who act as both role models for our students and inspire them to achieve their dreams.
- Course Career and course planning will be integral component of the year 10 program with visits to a range of Universities and TAFE providers, attendance at least 2 career expos in March and July and University Open Days in August 2021.
- Driver Education The school has organised for Vicroads RoadSmart team to deliver interactive session to class size groups of students. The program is designed to build on the knowledge, skills and behaviours of Year 10 students. The program aims to lay down the foundations for safe driving among young drivers.
- Work Experience Program All year 10 students will have the opportunity to undertake work experience for a week during the academic year. Students are encouraged to identify work experiences linked to their aspirations and interests and those students who are unable to identify an opportunity during the academic year will have a final opportunity to undertake placement in December following the semester 2 exams. Students undertaking Work Experience are fully covered by the Department of Education Workcover provisions.
Year 10 Leadership Camp @ The Summit March 2021
The Year 10 leadership camp in March will act as a critical foundation stone towards forming a cohesive and resilient year level in preparation for the academic and interpersonal challenges they will encounter as they advance in studies. It is essential to building their recognition of the importance of working together as a team whilst building and developing their own leadership capacity to achieve their own unique ambitions and aspirations. The program uses a combination of personal and team building activities, outdoor challenges and interactive workshops to take our student to their next level of personal leadership. Please follow the link below to see a short video exploring the range of programs offered by Summit Camps. The program and challenges are all designed to ensure all students are able to participate engage at their comfort zone, the camp has won numerous state and national awards for their programs and we are delighted to be able to include them in our year 10 program.
Year 10 Formal July 2021
We are currently organising the Year 10 Formal to be held in July 2021 following the completion of the semester one exams. This event will be provide our students with the opportunity formally present themselves as emerging young adults. This event will provide our students with the opportunity to celebrate their various achievements arising from their first semester in Senior School and will be a fitting celebration following the end of their first academically challenging exam experience. The school will be invited students to be involved in further developing and planning for this important event in the year 10, 2021 calendar.
Careers & Course planning opportunities
such as the Melbourne Career Expo 2021
During 2021, the year 10 student will have range of opportunities to explore and engage with employers, industry, the community and higher education providers as part of their year 10 program. These experiences will build upon their current fundamental understanding of the available careers, course pathways and requirements.