Administration update

2021 Fees and Charges
All 2021 Fees and Charges have been published on Compass for families. You can make payment through Compass under Course/Confirmation/Payments either in Full or as a preset payment plan with the costs of the fees billed on the first of each month from Feb-Jul 2021.
Each year level fees and charges are published on the school website and can be viewed below.
2021 Enrolments
We are so excited that we now have over 680 enrolments for 2021 across years 7 to 10. We are working to make sure our new families receive all of the important information they need to start with us in the new year. Please do not hesitate to contact the office at any time if you have any questions or concerns or even just to introduce yourself to our friendly office staff. If you have any changes to your details or are planning on exiting the school it is important you tell us as soon as possible.
This video briefly outlines the “hows” of uniform supply for back to school and includes basic information for new parents.
It explains Covid protocols, emphasizes Click and Collect as an option, introduces online booking for fitting sessions to avoid waiting, and generally stresses shop early.