School News 

2020 School Photos

Yesterday the Department of Education confirmed in their updated operational guidelines that school photos can take place.  SchoolPix (the company taking our school photos) had already rescheduled our school photo day to Tuesday 24 November 2020; obviously subject to any changes to COVID-19 restrictions between now and then.


As you can appreciate, booking dates are severely limited due to the amount of schools SchoolPix have rescheduled this year and due to this the company will only be taking composite (headshot style) photography format for 2020 photos at all schools. There will be no class photos taken.  All photography will conform with social distance regulations.


We are awaiting confirmation from the company on how this will affect the photography packages you may have already paid for earlier in the year when our photographs were originally due to be taken.  As soon as we receive this information we will communicate it to our families.

Year 5 Upstanders

Yesterday the Year 5 Upstanders had their project launch. Due to current restrictions, it looked a little bit different! The students had a guest speaker, James Newbury, and listened to former Upstanders share the experiences they had. They had discussions with students from Sandringham, Sandringham East and Brighton Beach Primary Schools and are ready to get started on their project. A great day had by all! 

Scholastic Book Club

Catalogues for Issue 7 were sent home last week.  If you would like to place an order we recommend it is completed (online only via Scholastic LOOP) by Tuesday 26th October.  Visit to place your order.

Day for Daniel: Friday 30 October

Students are encouraged to wear a 'touch of red' with their school uniform.