Term 4 Overviews
Grade | Reading | Writing | Maths | Inquiry |
Foundation | Short Stories Students will increase their independent reading time up to fifteen minutes with less distraction. They will listen to themselves as readers and make adjustments to fluency and phrasing. As the weeks progress, they will have opportunities to use the classroom library by themselves. They take more responsibility for their own learning by ensuring they develop more word solving strategies. | Short Stories Students will increase their writing stamina by adding more information to their writing each day. They will generate ideas for writing through shared language experiences. Students will talk, draw, label and write to follow the writing process. They will become more confident to have a go and less afraid of making mistakes as they build independence. Students will become increasingly aware of the bump it up wall and develop independence in selecting their goals. | Place Value (week 1)
Money and financial mathematics (week 2-3)
Modelling division (weeks 4-6)
Identifying and measuring the attributes of mass, area and capacity (weeks 7-9)
Conducting a statistical investigation and collecting simple data (weeks 10) | A Tale of Two Cities In this unit students will learn about features of their local city environment and compare them to those in Paris. They will investigate seasonal changes in Melbourne to those happening in France. Students will investigate one or two significant man-made landmarks in the city of Melbourne and compare them with significant man made landmarks in Paris. Students will learn that families come from many different locations in the world and that many other countries are French speaking. |
1/2 | Narrative Texts and Author Studies
Students will engage in an author study where they will become familiar with the craft of a particular author and the narratives they write. While reading narratives, students will be able to use evidence to make predictions about the text. They will ask important questions and make inferences about character’s feelings and motives.
| Narrative Writing
In this unit of study students will understand the craft involved in narrative writing. They will use mentor texts to assist them to write about something familiar and interesting to them. Students will incorporate their knowledge of geography into their narrative. | Algebra and Number Patterns (Weeks 1-2)
Place value, addition, money, and financial mathematics (Weeks 3-4)
Time (weeks 5-6)
Statistics and Data (Weeks 7-8) For grade 1 they have predetermined questions to explore, for grade two they begin to generate closed type questions.
Identifying and measuring the attributes of mass and capacity (weeks 9-10) | Along the Yarra In this unit students will investigate their local Yarra River and the significance of the river and other local waterways over time and to Aboriginal Peoples. They will learn about changing conditions of the Yarra as it winds through city areas and about the significance of wildlife living in the river’s ecosystem. Students will compare the Yarra River to other major rivers in other countries and investigate problems with plastic and pollutants.
3/4 | Narrative text (Narrative nonfiction/hybrid text) Students will engage in a variety of comprehension strategies to understand what they read. They will analyse a variety of texts and critically respond to text, giving and justifying their opinions. Students will infer using a range of text, images and sounds and synthesis their understanding. They will form synthesises of their understanding. | Narrative text (Narrative nonfiction/hybrid text) Students will understand that a hybrid text is a single form of text that incorporates both narrative and informational writing about a centralised topic. | Algebra and number theory (Weeks 1-3) Working with functions and growing Patterns
Money and Financial mathematics (weeks 4-5) Calculating simple transactions using addition and subtraction
Geometry and measurement (Weeks 6-8) Looking into the attributes: volume, capacity, and mass.
Geometry Angles and 2D figures (Weeks 9-10) | Where in the world in Fitzroy Primary School ? Overview In this unit students will investigate significant geographical landmarks in the local area of Fitzroy, state of Victoria and other parts of Australia. They will explore the importance of these landmarks to Aboriginal Peoples and the importance of protecting them. Students will compare two geographical landmarks in Australia and why they are important to protect.
5/6 | Narrative Students will explore narrative texts to deepen their understanding of inferring. They will be able to articulate new knowledge and understanding that they have gained through reading a variety of narrative texts. Students will also be able to share their opinions on characters and the authors choice of words. | Narrative Students will increasingly develop their confidence by taking more risks. They will use their personal experiences to create structured narratives. They will become more comfortable to experiment with a range of literary and language devices, as well as language features. Students will understand that mistakes are a part of learning, and use this knowledge to publish successfully and present to others. | Geometry, transformations, and proportional reasoning (Weeks 1-3)
Measurement (Weeks 4-6) Area, volume, capacity and angles.
Statistics and Data (Weeks 7-9) Investigating, collecting and interpreting Data
Location (Week 10) Constructing maps and following timetables preparing for travel (bus, trams, trains) | CHANGING LANDSCAPES Overview In this unit students will investigate significant natural geographic landmarks in Australia and globally. They will investigate countries of the world and human migration patterns. They will research human impact and explore reasons for migration due to geographic change.