Knox Innovation Opportunity & Sustainability Centre

Year 8 Skepsi

Over the last two weeks our Year 8 Skepsi's have attended KIOSC to participate in the new LED light program. They used Illustrator to laser cut their design and Arduino to code the LED strip! They had an absolute blast and created some amazing lights for themselves. 


We appreciate the time KIOSC spent with us and thank them for allowing our students to keep all the components as part of the pilot program. 

Here are some reviews from students in the class: 


The 2 lessons of Kiosk was very good. On the first one I learned a lot of stuff on Illustrator and that you can make cool things with acrylics and LEDs. In the second lesson, I learned how to code the LEDs and how to put the project together. It was really fun and interactive. I would definitely recommend and I would love to do it again. This was one of my favourite kiosks. Ritkriti 8S 


This KIOSC experience will have to be my favourite one I've done. It was split into 2 lessons, 1 for designing and the other for coding. Both were equally enjoyable. I managed to learn lots and getting to create my own sign was amazing. It was a great experience that was highly enjoyable.

Ashley 8S


Amber Thomson 

Technology and Science