Higher Achieving Maths Incursion 

Unboxy Challenge 

This week, students who had been identified as being above average in Mathematics and are not currently in the 7S class, used design and mathematics skills and ideas to work in groups to create a piece of architecture in the form of an Unboxy Challenge.

Their brief was to design a community area which can hold more than one activity, have disabled access and facilities, multiple entrances for fire safety and be of an area which is  between 1m2  and 2 m2. One section of the construction must be at least twice as high as the rest of the construction. 


The students reported that they enjoyed the opportunity to use their mathematical and design skills in real life applications.

Once construction was finalised, each group presented their architecture to our judges, Mr Murphy and Miss Hillebrand, who were very impressed with the scope of ideas and the presentations.  


Mr Murphy remarked that he was especially impressed that students were open to admitting the things that went wrong. "It's when we make mistakes that we learn what to do better next time" he said.


In the end, the judges decided that there were two winning groups!


Congratulations to all the students for your excellent work.


Thanks to KIOSK who supplied the Unboxy materials for us to use.


Leanne Wilson

Year 7 Mathematics Coordinator