Performing Arts News
This term in PA is going to be an exciting term of music and performing! We are so skilled at working in groups and making our ideas come to life.
Also October is ADHD Awareness Month so we will be learning a little about ADHD as it is a condition that 1 in 20 Australians have and we want to make sure we all feel supported!
All children are learning about their EMOTIONAL FUEL TANKS as part of their mindful tune in's, we are learning that there are certain things that refill our tanks such as healthy eating, enough sleep, exercise, fun with family and friends etc... ask your child how their fuel tank is looking this term!
Preps will be learning about the wonderful children's story "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" and retelling it in their own unique style!
Stay tuned for updates about the showcase at the end of term!
Year 1/2 are learning about the music of Disney and combining it with dance and collaborative group work, something we do very well in the PA room!
Year 3/4 will be learning about Tableau Vivant (frozen pictures) and how to make paintings come to life, they will also be composing their own tunes using Garage Band.
Year 5/6 will be exploring the history of Greek Theatre and mythology and performing self devised plays to showcase in the amphitheatre to other students. They will also be making Greek Style masks in Visual Art.
Wishing you all well,
Ms Victoria Gelberg
Performing Arts Teacher