St Anthony’s Parish and St Anthony’s School hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as central and fundamental responsibilities of the Church.
St Anthony’s is fully compliant with all policies in relation to Child Safety. These documents ensure compliance with the Victorian Government Child Safety Standards which took effect on 1 January 2017 and reflect our Parish's ongoing commitment to ensuring that all children are safe, happy and empowered.
Hello Families and Friends of St Anthony's,
Welcome to Term Four! We have an exciting term ahead with some special events to celebrate towards the end of the year.
Summer Uniforms and Hats
As the weather warms I send a friendly reminder that all students are now to wear their summer uniforms to school. All students must wear their schools hats at break times when the UV rays are over 4.
Administration Building Update
During the school holidays the builders are made some amazing progress on the administration refurbishment. The plaster has commenced on internal walls and the window spaces are being prepare for the new windows. New roofing has been installed and we're so happy this was finalised before the large amount of rain we've had over the past few days. The canopy from near the art room has been moved and now stand proud and tall over the walkway to what will be the safer new entrance to our wonderful school.
The new entrance to the school office
A waiting area for our families
Ms Nagel in the prinicpal office
Mr Gow in the new office
The new entrance to the school office
A waiting area for our families
Ms Nagel in the prinicpal office
Mr Gow in the new office
Enrol now for 2023
We request all enrolments for 2023 are completed before Friday 28th October. As staffing and classes for 2023 are being fianlised. If you know any families or friends who wish to enrol at St Anthony's please let them know to come and collect a form from the school office.
Prep 2023 Parent Informaiton Evening
Next Tuesday 18th October when are holding a parent information evening for all parents who have a child starting Prep in 2023. The meeting will be held in the prep rooms and will start at 6pm.
Monash Health Dental Visit
During the holidays many families came to school for a free dental check up, it was such a popluar day we had to close bookings early. A big thank you Lisa one of our wonderful Community Hub leaders for her organisation, to Monash Health for working with us to provide this service to our community and to Debbie and Susan K for assiting our families.
Prayer for Unity and Peace
Next Tuesday, 18th October, staff and students will participate in a whole school prayer for peace and unity. As Pope St John Paul II wrote in his Apostolic Exhortation on the Rosary, “The Rosary is by its nature a prayer for peace since it consists in the contemplation of Christ, the Prince of Peace, the one who is “our peace”.
Hear our prayers for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Lord we ask for peace for those who need peace, reconciliation for those who need reconciliation and comfort for all who don't know what tomorrow will bring.
School Advisory Council Breakfast Meeting - Special Invitation
I invite all parents and caregivers to attend a breakfast with the School Advisory Council next Wednesday morning at 9am. We will be sharing a cup of tea or coffee, a croissant and looking at Learning and Teaching and school plans for 2023.
St Anthony's Community Day
Fees and Levies
Fee statements went home earlier this week in order to finalise payments before the end of the school year. Thank you to all our families who have paid their school fees and those who continue with their payment plans. I know that this time is a difficult time for many families your ongoing support and payments are very much appreciated. If you are having any difficulties finalising this year school fees please contact the school office to make a time to meet with the principal to arrange a payment plan.
Leaving St Anthony's
If any families are leaving St Anthony's at the end of the year please let the office know as soon as possible so that we can best plan for the year ahead.