6E - Inquiry

By Riley Youssef

6E have been studiously investigating light and the impact it has on humans. The students familiarised themselves with terminology relating to light, before exploring how light is processed by the eye and the brain. Using this knowledge, they have begun developing a practical solution to a light-related problem. 



6E learners have become experts about light and the impact it has on society! Below are some highlights of their research so far:



“We found that over-exposure to blue light can lead to shallower sleep.” - Caleb




“We found that blue light affects sleep as it blocks the sleep hormone called melatonin.” - Jenny & Tuba




“I am researching how exposure to sunlight in the morning impacts you positively during the day. I found that it helps to wake you up.” - Cyrus



“We found that blue light glasses reduce exposure to blue light, but we want to find a more practical solution.” - Lehara





“I found that daylight improves alertness which makes it easier to study.” - Sanvi





“We found that blue light comes from lots of sources including the sun” - Aryan





“We found that Seasonal Affective Disorder is common in Iceland due to lack of daylight.” - Ravi, Ryan C & Ryan D





“I am researching how blue light affects the eye and ways to minimise it.” - Nyasa