General Nossal News

Monash Leadership Conference 2016 

Recently we had the opportunity to partake in a leadership conference held at Scotch College. The focal point of the conference was Sir John Monash, his achievements and the divine example he has set as an Australian leader.


Highly respected members of our community also came and implanted their wisdom and insight in to us. These remarkable individuals all had various personal experiences with leadership and they drew from, not only their own stories but also connected it to Monash’s, and as a result, provided us with a fun, interactive and informative day.


One of the speakers was Professor Jeffrey Rosenfeld, a leader who has contributed to the Australian community throughout his career as a leading international surgeon, researcher, clinician, military surgeon, humanitarian and advocate to reduce traumatic brain injury and landmine injuries.


Thank you to Mrs Fankhauser for organising this fantastic experience for us.


Michelle G and Samuel B - Year 10

Valedictory (Year 12 Graduation) Reminder

This is a reminder for the families of the graduating Class of 2016.


Tickets for the Valedictory dinner, on Thursday November 24, went on sale on May 2 and will remain on sale until Sunday November 6.


Tickets can be purchased through Trybooking at

Tickets are $130 per person and this includes entry into the Victory Room at Etihad Stadium,  a three course meal and unlimited softdrinks throughout the evening. NHS Student tickets must be paid through the 2016 school fees prior to Sunday November 6.


If you have any queries or concerns regarding this event, please contact Ms Juliea Slywka on 8762 4600 or by email to

Your say....

This is our new iNewsletter format and we want to know what you think!

Thank you to those that took the time to complete the below survey after our last issue. There was overwhelming support for the new format and we have taken on your feedback and implemented some of those suggestions.


Our goal is to keep improving and the most effective way for us to do that is to find out what you, our community, want to see in our fortnightly communication. Please click on the link below to give us your feedback on what you like and what you would like to see in the future.                         


Juliea Slywka

Digital Media Coordinator