Principal's Report
Principal's Report
Last week we received our 2016 NAPLAN results. All students in Years 7 & 9 were provided with these on Friday to take home for parents & carers. I’m always hesitant to comment on NAPLAN results because they are a reflection of literacy & numeracy achievement at a specific moment in time and are measured via a single assessment tool. I will comment on the schools results in a broad sense, but I put in the caveat that experience has proven to me that results from year to year depend on many factors. Having said that, on the whole I am very pleased with our 2016 NAPLAN results. They reflect that Cowra High is on the right path to improving our students’ literacy & numeracy skills. In both Year 7 & 9 our mean (average) results in every assessed area are above those of schools with similar populations of students. Importantly when we examine our student growth we have matched or in many occasions, exceeded rates of growth in all but one criteria in one Year group, where our results were just below the State mean. Very pleasingly our mean growth rates for the Year 7 students who are involved in our CHIPS program have exceeded State growth rates in all areas, with some areas showing growth almost double that of the State mean. Although these results are very pleasing, they now provide us with data to examine where we can further improve.
Cowra High’s annual trip to the snow has come and gone again. It was wonderful to hear of the great time that was had by all involved. Although Cowra occasionally gets to see a little snow in winter, the opportunity to ski and experience a true alpine environment is very special. The students were also particularly fortunate this year to be under Scott Levick’s care. As a very experienced skier, who has supervised students in snow for many years, he was able to add an extra layer of value to the trip for the students.
I had the great pleasure of watching Year 12 Drama perform and present their HSC major works a fortnight ago. The depth of commitment and talent in our school never fails to impress me. The performances were both entertaining and thought provoking. Both Rachel Elwin and I are looking forward to outstanding HSC results from these fine young people. Well Done.
Have a great fortnight
Charles Gauci