Twintastic Cowra High School
Percentage of twins - more than twice is nice!
This year at Cowra High School we have 10 sets of twins and so this week we had a "twinshoot" and photographed all 20 students. Four of those sets are in Year 7, two sets in Year 8, two sets in Year 10 and one set in both Year 11 and Year 12. This represents 3.5% of Cowra High students, more than twice the national percentage which is 1.4% (ABS 2013).
Mekisha & Ashton Anderson - Year 7
Mackenzie & Jorja Bone - Year 7 (above)
Samuel & Patrick Dun - Year 7 (below)
Ashleigh & Emily Denison - Year 7
Nicholas & Gabrielle Budden - Year 8
Nathan & Mitchell Dale - Year 8
Breanna & Brodie Moss - Year 10
Dominic & Tristan Porter - Year 10
Emma & Tegan Sargent - Year 11
Brendan & Taylor Sculthorpe - Year 12