Parents Association

House Sports

As part of the House Athletics Carnival, PA arranged icy poles for all the amazing kids running and jumping around the track last Friday. Thank you Kate Edwards-Davis for contributing all the icy poles in this event. Thanks to Wendy, Monique, Easther for helping at the clubhouse kitchen, and all the parent volunteers and teachers for your support on the day!

International Food Night on

23rd March

Counting down to the International Food Night, only 10 more days to go! It would be fantastic to have food/dishes from many different cultures. Don't forget to prepare a list of ingredients and bring a serving spoon/ladle for your food. Please remember to bring your own plate, cup, cutlery and drinks. Come for some good music, food and activity with prizes.    

Coffee and Cover Books with Contact on 20th March

Wondering why our kids library books are kept in such good condition? One of the reasons is because they are all nicely covered with contact (plastic wrap paper).


We are calling for volunteers to help the library to cover new books with contact. FUN! Our wonderful Librarian Inger Robinson will run a teaching session to show you how to cover books with contact paper on Friday 20th March 2020, from 2.30pm to 3.30pm, in our Staff room. You can even take books home with you to contact during the school holidays. If you are already experienced in contacting books, you are welcome to come over, have a coffee/tea and take some books home to contact them. Please email us if you can come to help. Bring a friend and have a coffee together! 

Deane Lam

PA President 2020

SSPS Parent's Association