PBS Update 

The PBS Team have been busy working on our values and lesson plans to be rolled out in Term 4 to the students.  Keep an eye out for the launch video with our mascot, 'Buddy the Sheep.'

Check out our CARE poster which is attached below along with the Behaviour Matrix.  The CARE poster will be displayed in every classroom and around the school to ensure everyone is aware of our expectations as a school.



The purpose of the MDHS WA PBS Leadership Team is to create a school family.  Our family is clear about how to behave so we can all belong, feel safe, achieve, and show we care.



  1. Adhere to agreed times for meetings – 3:10 pm start and maximum 60 minutes duration.
  2. Allocate time for agenda items. Be flexible with these times, use a common sense approach.
  3. Agenda sent out on Mondays prior to meeting, with 10 minute urgent general business available.
  4. Raise concerns or issues with the Team Leader prior to the meeting.
  5. Communicate apologies via Connect.
  6. Come prepared and follow-up on assigned tasks.
  7. Be an active team member.
  8. Be respectful and open-minded to the ideas of others.
  9. Use the consensus model for meetings. Vocalise yes or no.
  10. Be an advocate for WA PBS.