Celebrating Achievement



St Mary's Trade Training Centre is proud to sign up another student today as a School Based Apprentice. Congratulations to Luke Powell (Year 11) who will commence a Cert III in Cabinet Making with Pacific Kitchens. Well done Luke and we wish you all the best with your apprenticeship.




Congratulations to Charline Scherer (Year 10), who participated in the Coral Coast Triathlon last Sunday (just before lockdown!). She had an amazing race placing 1st female overall for the sprint distance. It was a tough race with a 750m swim, 20km bike and 5km run. Well done, Charline!



Congratulations to Caitlin Jackson (Year 10) and Grace Massingham (Year 10) who have been selected in the Northern Rays netball team. Well done to training partners Jess Haines and Erin Massingham. Caitlin and Grace will represent the North in Brisbane at the Nissan State Titles next month. Such a wonderful achievement from our netball students.




Congratulations to Ms Hallal's 11 Religion and Ethics Class for their participation in this Year's Creative Arts Collective competition for Catholic Education Week. Students worked either individually or in groups to develop an art piece exploring what 'A Spirited Tomorrow' meant for them. Priya Toor received an award for writing, speaking and producing a visual accompaniment to her poem (https://youtu.be/Srp2YM0vSBY). Further commendation to Nicholas Adriaans, Toby Davies & Elliot Arthur for their visual.