Legal Study

Jessica Williams










BLA Breakfast with the Law


On Friday 30th July the Year 12 Legal Studies class attended the annual BLA Breakfast with the Law. 


They were met by guest speakers Professor Anthony Gray, Ms Megan Dudley and Ms Helen Driscoll. Ms Dudley, Solicitor and President of Queensland Young Lawyers, and Ms Driscoll, Solicitor and Vice President of Queensland Young Lawyers, provided their insight into the topic “Truth vs Proof - the Balance of Probabilities”. After a discussion between Ms Driscoll, Ms Dudley and the audience members, Professor Gray from USQ raised some alarming issues and valid points about the everchanging law reform in our country. The students were able to take away a better understanding of law reform in Australia and how it affects all of its residents. 


This annual event provided an invaluable opportunity for students and teachers to network with other students and invited guests to gain comprehension into the legal world, whilst presenting them with information to help them decide on a career.