End of year 2021

The transition back to the onsite learning in Term 4 was welcomed by all. Students resumed their class programs and most importantly reconnected with classmates and teachers. We focused on re engaging our students with the learning process and reconnecting them to their teachers and friends. We revisited learning routines and continually reinforced our school values and expectations and encouraged positive relationships. This, along with a range of supports and individual instruction if required, played an important role in the successful transition back to onsite learning for all students and a productive and successful Term 4.
The integrated unit Sea Life was highly engaging for students as they were able to relate this to their own real life experience. There were so many interesting activities to explore and to stimulate students’ curiosity and learning. The photos, project books, movie making, art works and general discussion produced by students reflected just how much they had learnt about both these topics. The students especially liked working on their under the sea dioramas which contained sharks, jelly fish, shells, crabs, seaweed and a host of other sea creatures. Visits to the Discovery Centre enabled students to experience range of hands on experiences and also for some students to create an Under the Sea movie spectacular. You can access this ……..
The highlight for Term 4 for LPA, LPB and LPC was definitely our two days of activities. The children enjoyed special onsite activities including rotational groups where they made Christmas crackers and putty, played party games, and went on a virtual experience to Disneyland. We all combined for indoor games and tabloid sports, balancing a beanbag on different body parts was very tricky and very entertaining. We had a large obstacle course where we played the floor is lava, the children did a great job, jumping, balancing, and maneuvering through the course. The treasure hunt was a joy as everyone searched for their list of items including new pencils, bubbles, balloons and more. Great music and great dance moves were displayed at our disco, but nothing seemed to beat our pancake breakfast and McDonald’s lunch. It was really pleasing to see the children applying their skills in this social situation, working in teams, sharing, cooperating, following instructions, turn taking and getting along. It was great fun for all.
This term LPD, LPE and LPF have been working on their celebration items. We made a dream catcher, an ornamental pebble featuring their art work and a special finger print card. We enjoyed our excursion to Hogwarts (aka Discovery Centre) where we got to make things, dress up and visit the massive lava lamp in the MILE room. In Speech we have been having fun building silly sentences using our colour coded sentence strips. One funny sentence was ‘The doctor is jumping on the green car’. Our classes enjoyed learning and performing their Christmas carol at the section concert. LPD sang ‘Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer’, LPF sang ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ and the boys in LPE told Christmas jokes between the acts! The loudest laugh was given to ‘Why did Santa Claus cross the road? To get to the other side of course.
LPG, LPH and LPI had a great term back to onsite learning and an even better time at our End of Year Celebration at All Abilities Play Space at Bundoora Park. We started with a scavenger hunt around the park to find a Santa hat, Santa beard and a present for each teacher. Each class then dressed their teacher as Santa for a bit of a laugh. We had the icy poles for snack and on such a hot day, they went down a treat! The students loved the water pump, slides, swings, the spinning round about and going through the maze. Thank you to the families of LPG, LPH and LPI for your support over the year and your engagement in the learning of the students.
This term in LPJ and LPK we have continued to learn about sea creatures including seahorses, lobsters and turtles. The children enjoyed exploring hands on play tubs which allowed them to practice their oral language with the support of Nicole, our speech therapist. At the end of this term all of the students enjoyed visiting the Mile Room at the Discovery Centre where they explored the Harry Potter room and took photos with the green screen. We are certainly looking forward to next year with our new teachers and classes and having the opportunity to consolidate our learning from this year.
Across the section we have been very busy in the gym since returning to onsite learning. LPJ, LPK, LPG, LPH and LPI have all practiced their gymnastics skills. Students have been learning to perform various static balances, animal walks and lots of circuit activities to promote strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and core strength. We had lots of fun transferring skills learnt at school when we visited Pit Gymnastics for a structured lesson. The older classes have enjoyed practicing volleyball skills of digging, setting and serving and had lots of fun using balloons and soft balls. They have also practiced how to hold a hockey stick correctly as well as learning how to push pass and block using different striking apparatus. LPD,LPE and LPF have enjoyed learning how to bounce continuously practicing their dribbling, passing and shooting skills as well as undertaking a kicking unit where they focused on controlling a ball using just their feet to dribble, block and trap a ball.
During Term 4, the Lower Primary Performing Arts program focussed on the Dance and Celebrations. Students participated learning movements to songs that they might dance to at a party such as the Chicken Dance, Macarena and Nutbush. They worked on choreographing simple dances to selected Christmas Songs that were performed to their peers and teachers at a mini concert to celebrate the end of the year. Well done on getting through another crazy year, have a safe and restful break. See you in 2022!
Term 4 was an exciting time in the Library. Once back onsite, we were able to enjoy a virtual author visit and our annual book fair. The book fair turned out to be a success again. Our students enjoyed browsing at all the books for sale, getting their wish list together and completing a book fair colouring in competition. Thank you to all the families, students and staff that supported the book fair this year. This term we were very lucky to have Vikki Conley, a CBCA award-winning author, read two of her books to the Lower Primary students. The students enjoyed listening to Vikki read her two of her favourite stories- Little Puggle’s song and The Lost Moustache.
This Term in Social Competencies we focussed on reconnecting with our teachers and school friends, being kind to ourselves and each other and how to maintain positive relationships after a long period of remote learning. We revised ways of asking friends to play, discussed that it is okay to not want to play with someone and what to do if you cannot find someone to play with. In the second half of the term we moved on to “Teamwork”. Together we came up with some rules people need to follow when working in a team. These rules are: listen to others, take turns and work together. We learnt that TEAM stands for Together, Everyone, Achieves More. The Preps concentrated on waiting for a turn and sharing whilst the outside portables worked on what to do when they have to wait for a turn, miss a turn or do not win. Students in these grades discovered ways to stay calm whilst waiting together with using positive chit chat in your head. Students came up with many things to say to themselves in these situations. Some of these were saying to yourself: Bad luck maybe next time, its okay I had fun, maybe I will win next time, I did my best and next time I can try harder. The older students looked at what makes a team. What do good team members do and that teamwork gets the job done. I would like to thank all the students and their parents for supporting the program, myself and each other to practice and learn new Social Skills throughout the year. Happy Holidays everyone!!!
Our final assembly was an opportunity to acknowledge the great work of all of the Lower Primary students and importantly to say a formal good bye to those students who are moving to Upper Primary.
Whilst these students time in in Lower Primary is ending another is beginning as they prepare to move on to Upper Primary. They have spent time at the Bundoora Campus and are so excited to be moving to the "big school" and yes, they are truly ready to continue their educational journey and to meet the challenges that Upper Primary will offer them.
We are extremely proud of Anthony, Alexander, Codie, Devrim, Leon, Michael, Piltenggi, Cassie, Christian, Isaac, Lucas, Matty, Rin, Annie, Ethan, Hamza, Hayden, James, Mithaaq and Sienna. We congratulate these students and wish them success in 2022 and beyond!
I do think that the school motto "To be the Best I can be" has never been a more fitting way to describe all of our Lower Primary students as they persevered, challenged themselves and kept moving forward in a positive way during this very challenging year.
As the 2021 school year comes to an end, I would like to thank parents for the integral role they played in assisting their children with learning and staff for providing a creative and supportive teaching and learning environment both on and off site.
Enjoy a safe holiday break with your children and I look forward to working with you all again in 2022.
Kath Moore
Campus Principal