Helpful Information for Parents and Carers 

2022 Enrolment Information

Enrolment applications for Year 7 - 2022 are now open!  Contact Mrs Gemma Creagan by calling 02 67 721666 or email for an enrolment pack.  Limited spaces are also available for Years 8 -12.



Teen Life Webinar Series by Lifestart

LIFESTART have organised for these webinars to showcase young people with a disability and their families, and the journeys they have taken to achieve the outcomes they desired.

Helping your child transition back to school during COVID


Employment Opportunities

School Fees

Term 3 Fees have now been generated and can be viewed on the Compass parent portal. They are due on 19th August 2021.

Fees can now be paid through the compass system. For any information regarding the  payment of fees, please call the College Office on 67 72 1666. 

When paying fees online, please use your account number or name as a reference when paying their school fees so we know where the payment has come from. 

Fee Schedule for 2021


Homework Centre

Homework Centre is back! We are open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday's from 3.20pm to 4.30pm. All welcome. Easy pickup from the designated visitor pickup between the office and library entrances. 

New England Conservatorium


School TV

SPECIAL REPORT: COVID Fatigue & Youth Mental Health

The physical impact of the pandemic has mostly spared our young people, however as the nation remains to be on alert and in various stages of lockdown, restrictions continue to be mandated. The pandemic has had a great affect on our young people with many paying a heavy emotional and developmental price. Psychological disorders are on the rise and emergency interventions have skyrocketed.As hard as it is being a young person today, it's also draining being the parent of one. It has been reported that many parents are struggling to keep their child's mental health afloat, often proving it is difficult to juggle parenting responsibilities whilst at the same time providing much needed emotional support for their children.Unlike the coronavirus itself, the emotional blowback of the pandemic cannot be vaccinated away. Psychologists are seeing more depression and anxiety across all age groups, but in adolescents it seems to be on steroids, with some choosing to self-medicate using alcohol or other drugs. When they look into the future now, they're looking at one that wasn't what they envisioned before.This report explains the current state of youth mental health in a post-COVID era and offers guidance on how best to support young people today. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.If this Special Report raises any concerns for you, a loved one or the wellbeing of your child, please seek medical or professional help.Here is the link to your special report


 Canteen Menu

NOTE: During lockdown the canteen is not operating. Children who need to attend school should bring a packed lunch. 


We are fortunate at O'Connor Catholic College to have such a range of healthy options at our student cafe. Here is the menu for Term 3.

Full time Provisional Psychologist available for students this year at O'Connor

We are pleased to announce that we now have an onsite full-time provisional psychologist at the College. This will ensure timely and easy access to what is  a very important service for our students. 

New Bus Timetables for 2021 

Edwards Coaches

Changes will occur from  the first day of term 1 2021. Edwards Coaches website  will be updated in the next few weeks with the timetables, maps arrival and departure times.



All parent/ guardian and student inquiries for 2021 can be referred to Edwards Coaches 02 6772 3116 or email or

TFNSW is now accepting bus applications for 2021 go to

Or simple using your browser type ssts (School Student Transport Scheme). Likewise for updates such as address or school changes.

VIDEO: A quick snapshot of O'Connor Catholic College including our current College Captains.


Vinnies Sleep Out

Donations are still been accepted online for the Armidale Vinnies Community Sleepout. Many members of the Parish and wider Armidale Community participated and helped raise important funds through their own fundraising pages linked to the sleepout. Thanks go to all involved.

Important Uniform Shop Update

# The Uniform Shop is currently closed while our LGA is in lockdown. 


New Uniform Shop Hours (by appointment). 

Monday:          8am - 12pm

Wednesday:   12pm - 4pm

Thursday:       10am - 4pm (note change of day for 2021)


With the introduction of a new finance system here at the College we are, unfortunately no longer able to sell second-hand uniforms on consignment. Secondhand items will still be able to be purchased from items donated to the shop.  We welcome these donations as they ensure that uniforms are accessible to families of all incomes levels. Thank you for your consideration and support in these matters.


With current COVID-19 restrictions, the uniform shop is not operational. 


Prices can be found on our College website.



Centacare courses for families



