Year 7 Achievement Program

The merit card reward system has been successfully running as a brilliant incentive for junior students to take initiative for their own positive learning behaviours. Students who demonstrate in and out of the classroom resilience and compassion through their interactions with others and dedication in their classes are rewarded merit cards from classroom teachers and coordinators. Once they receive five merit cards, they have a merit certificate and once they reach 25 merit certificates, they are presented with a Principal’s Award.


The homegroup awarded with the most merit cards in Term 2 were the funny, friendly and determined 7B with a whopping 252 merit cards!

Each term, the winning homegroup is awarded a hot chip lunch for their motivation and efforts in working as a team and striving for their absolute best. Congratulations 7B!!


A big shout out to Kirfaniah Samau and Alan Hammo for their large appetites and ensuring all the chips were polished off!




Madeline Korbut

Year 7 Achievement Coordinator