
The debating rounds for the year have unfortunately come to an end and will be greatly missed! It was wonderful to be able to hold the debates here at Epping Secondary College for the majority of the year. Many schools in the region attended and were very impressed with the facilities of the new building. Unfortunately our team did not make the finals, however all of our team members have developed their public speaking and persuasive skills throughout the experience. This is a win in itself! Abby Midgley, Cody Ryan, Ira Alyanna Samson, Ellie McLauchlan, Benjamin Latimer, Jordan Pungatara, Jermaine Pungatara and Nathaniel O’Sullivan are the outstanding members of our team and I congratulate them all on their efforts this year. They did an amazing job! When we are back on campus we will be having a final meeting to celebrate the team.




Alessandra Pecorari

Debating Coordinator