Grade 3 Inventions

For the last few weeks, Grade 3 students have been working on brainstorming, designing and building their own inventions or innovations. Students thought of their brilliant ideas by thinking of a solution to an existing problem in either their life, their community or the wider world. 


Here are images of some of the creative prototypes made by some students!


Stella, 3DC - Portable Campfire
Miles, 3DC - Lego Cleaner
Stella, 3DC - Portable Campfire
Miles, 3DC - Lego Cleaner
Maggie, 3DC - Rubbish Eater
James, 3DC - The Cuddler
Maggie, 3DC - Rubbish Eater
James, 3DC - The Cuddler
Finn, 3DC - Self-watering Plant System
Alexander, 3DC - Toothpaste Dispenser
Finn, 3DC - Self-watering Plant System
Alexander, 3DC - Toothpaste Dispenser
Arlo, 3HM - Punch and Block Fitness Machine
Gracie, 3HM - Letter and Food Drone
Lucinda, 3HM - Pet Tracker
Benny, 3SG - Go Go Window
Ollie, 3CT - Biscuit Holder
Marey, 3CT - Chip Opener
Indi, 3SG - Magnetic Reading Table
Lieve, 3CT - Cutie Bin
Maisy, 3SG - Sand Free Massage Towel
Nate, 3SG
Elliott, 3CT - Rotor
Olivia, 3CT - Scented Smoothie Menu
Maria, 3CT
Tom, 3SG
Arlo, 3HM - Punch and Block Fitness Machine
Gracie, 3HM - Letter and Food Drone
Lucinda, 3HM - Pet Tracker
Benny, 3SG - Go Go Window
Ollie, 3CT - Biscuit Holder
Marey, 3CT - Chip Opener
Indi, 3SG - Magnetic Reading Table
Lieve, 3CT - Cutie Bin
Maisy, 3SG - Sand Free Massage Towel
Nate, 3SG
Elliott, 3CT - Rotor
Olivia, 3CT - Scented Smoothie Menu
Maria, 3CT
Tom, 3SG

Click on the videos below

Zoe, 3CT
Zoe, 3CT
Elliott, 3CT
Elliott, 3CT