Secondary School News

Secondary School News


Thanks everyone for all the ways in which you have contributed to getting us through this term and the 6th Lockdown.

Staff have been very flexible in their teaching and learning programs to accommodate the demands of remote learning. 


Family members and students have also become more accomplished in the area of home learning and in the management of the restrictions of so many other activities. Please remember to check Compass for the details of advice and support in relation to wellbeing if required. Our Wellbeing Team members have been extremely active keeping connected with staff and students and providing support for wellbeing in so many different ways. 


All our subject selection activities for new timetables in 2022 have been largely completed. 

We have been able to welcome a number of new enrolments who have settled into their classes with remarkable speed. Congratulations to all our new students and the students and staff who have made them feel so welcome. Some of our classes have reached maximum capacity and we may need to create some new ones in term 4.


We have been able to run virtual tours of the school during this term and from these we are continuing to receive expressions of interest for enrolments in all year levels. 

The virtual tours will continue next term alongside many other anticipated activities such as the year 7 Transition interviews and the Valedictory celebrations for our year 12 students. 


Please all enjoy some relaxing times away from screens during the next 2 weeks and we will of course be posting any Government or Department updates that occur during this period.



Judith Clelland

Assistant Principal

Secondary Education



Humanities and Science Textbook Donations

We are looking to start supplying class sets of Humanities and Science textbooks to help support students and families who have been impacted by Covid. If you are able to please donate your textbook at the end of this year it would be greatly appreciated and supportive to the Collingwood College community. 

Further information to follow later in the year.


Angela Watters

Year 7 & 8 Education & Programs Leading Teacher



Year 7 & 8 - Term 3 Wrap Up

Its been a challenging Term 3 with the majority of this term spend away from the physical classroom. I would like to commend the amazing work the whole Collingwood Community has done in supporting each other during this period. 


Students at Year 7 & 8 have participated in a range of engaging homegroup lessons, interviews and interactive lessons this term. Our SRC leaders have lead these sessions and interviews with a variety of guest speakers.


Our Year 7 & 8 students have shown strong resilience and perseverance in their learning this term. Wishing everyone a safe and restful school holiday period.


Angela Watters

Year 7 & 8 Education & Programs Leading Teacher

SRC Reflection

Although a high percentage of term three was spent in remote learning I actually quite enjoyed it. I worked on quite a few different subjects this term including my personal favourite subject King Arthur’s Legends. I really enjoyed learning about all the different stories and I also liked drawing and summarizing them in my book. Although remote learning sucks sometimes, in my opinion, there are also some plus sides, like getting snacks when you choose and sleeping in. I think we are all struggling to deal with this lockdown in our own personal ways but I think the main thing is to make sure you stay motivated. I find that a good way to do this is to take frequent breaks, I like to work for 20 minutes and then take a 10-minute break and every so often make sure I pop outside for a walk. I enjoy lockdown on a lot of levels, but don’t get me wrong, I wish I was back at school with all my friends and wonderful teachers.

Osgar Bryant 7C



SRC Report Term 3

WOW!!! What a term! One minute we were here at school and the next minute we were not… time flies when we are in Lockdown!!!!  The SRC Captains have been so hard working and patient this term, continuing on a rather less than serene year of Year 12 studies and School Leadership….there have been many moments when I am sure they, like everyone else, would have wanted things to be a bit different, but alas…this school year has not been the smooth sailing we were all hoping for. 


At the onset of this Lockdown, when I asked Mazin how he was coping, his response made me sad. He did not complain, but answered quite matter of factly, that all is fine as he was used to Remote Learning, as this is what he experienced last year. I am pleased that he didn’t seem overwhelmed, but more resigned to the situation at hand and was just getting on with it. But I did feel sad because I know that we were all hoping life would have been easier and ‘face to face’ learning more prevalent this year for students, teachers and families. But it is what it is and thank goodness that some things have gone well. 


I am glad that the Year 12 students managed to fit in their Year 12 Formal last term and I am pleased that our SRC Captains have been addressing various levels throughout the term with words of encouragement for them as they work away at home.  To all the other SRC representatives, it has been great to see your spirited, energetic efforts to help out where you can, especially in participation of community events on line, such as hosting and supporting your fellow students and teachers in many ways. 


We are still encouraging students to send through photos for the funny activities/moments of Remote Learning escapades at home. Next term we will be running a Baby photo competition of “Guess who this teacher is?” and hopefully a Talent Quest will finally be staged….( our 4th attempt)


Wishing everyone a safe and happy term 3 break. Stay active, positive and well…. hopefully we will be back on board with face to face at some stage next term. Good Luck to all the year 12 students who are certainly working very hard as they approach term 4. We wish you all the very best. 


Thank you, Jordyn, Mazin and Oisin for all your efforts for the SRC this term. 



Liria Stratus