Stage 2 Writing Samples

Last week, Stage 2 were working on their descriptive writing skills during remote learning. Through modelled lessons, and some creative brainstorming and planning, students created these amazing pieces of writing.


Thursday’s stimulus was…. 


The savage dog with large pointy yellow teeth started growling at me viciously. I wasn't worried at first but SUDDENLY the scary dog started running quickly after me. His watery teeth looked like he was wanting some blood! I started screaming so loud I lost my voice. After I lost him I was relieved. My relief didn't last long as the dog came running after me again!! Once I arrived home I didn't leave the house for the next week. I'll never forget that dog, although I wish I would.  



One sunny afternoon I was riding my bike beside the park creek admiring the colourful flowers. All of a sudden a huge scary black dog came racing towards me. The ferocious dog was trying to bite at my feet. I heard an ear piercing whistle and saw a worried man calling the dog back. I stopped to catch my breath.



Strolling down the bright park, I was laughing to see that two magpies were having a courageous fight together, but in a flash a massive wild dog with brown pointy ears came attacking the poor birds. Their white and black feathers were going everywhere as that horrid beast spiked  them with his black spiky collar. The dog ran off with joy in his eyes and a feather in his mouth! 



The savage dog came bolting around the corner chasing me on my flash, new skateboard. I pushed as hard as I could trying to go faster, but it wouldn't work. Oh boy, I didn't want to be caught by this vicious dog. It had red beady eyes, froth coming out of its mouth, big sharp canines and... it was a Rottweiler. It fiercely chased me straight up a tall pine tree. 
