General Information

What our students are working on or needing.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to the students who celebrate their birthday this fortnight:

Mary Arandale, Scarlett Key, Violet Bogg Sellers



Congratulations to Alissa Antony Pereira and her family on the safe arrival on Tuesday 17th of baby brother Aibel Antony Pereira. We wish them much love and happiness for the future with Aibel.


On Wednesday the students and staff said goodbye to Nivea Abeesh from S1Blue as her family has moved to Tamworth. We all wish Nivea the best of luck as she joins the community at St Nicholas' School.



School fees are sent out at the beginning of each term. To save unnecessary following up, please pay by the due date. The fees can be paid by direct debit, cash or internet banking. If you have any problems with the fee payment please contact Mrs Jagers. Term 3 fees are due Friday 10th September.



Tradition at St Joseph's is to hold a stall where students can purchase small gifts for their fathers and grandfathers for Father's Day.

Due to lockdown we are unsure if our stall this year can go ahead. A decision will be made later in the week. 

If lockdown ends this weekend then the stall will run next week before school and at morning tea. Items range from $1 to $4.50 and a flyer will be sent through Compass for your child to browse.



Morning entry via Church Street only 

Afternoon exit via Meade and Church Streets



There will be no lunch orders while lockdown continues.



It is necessary for the students to zoom in each day to the dedicated session for wellbeing, attendance marking and instruction for daily learning. 



A student who is not engaging in remote learning from home or at the school site without an approved reason, is marked as absent /unapproved on the student attendance register. 


New England Sings!

At the moment, due to the current Health situation, the rehearsals and workshops for New England Sings! to be held in October, have been put on hold. I will keep the families of the students involved, across Year 2-Year 6 posted as to what will be happening, as the news comes to hand. As you can appreciate, it is difficult to give definite details in this current situation. The students involved have been absolute champions up to this time, in how they have come to choir practices on a regular basis since Term 2, even recently when the restrictions deemed us to focus on the lyrics with some lip-syncing! I would like to acknowledge these students for their commitment and enthusiasm so far, we were gaining a solid understanding of the songs and enjoying the content too. I hope to have further details come to hand soon. Thankyou for your ongoing patience and support.


Shanny Core