Principal's Report

Thoughts from our Acting Principal - Mrs Karen Jagers

Remote Learning 

The experiences of remote learning in 2020 positioned St Joseph’s School Community in good stead for the quick snap lockdown of 14 August 2021. The collective staff group generously rallied to undertake responsibilities to ensure we could effectively commence remote learning on Tuesday 16 August. With the occasional technology gremlin appearing, the process has been generally smooth sailing. Our sincere thanks for the strong parental support which is integral to the success of remote learning. The level of engagement with the morning zoom meeting has been very high. This dedicated daily time provides the opportunity for the teacher to check in with the learners and inform about, and, clarify the daily lesson. For the students, it provides a routine around learning, informs learning intentions, clarifies and offers an opportunity to see the familiar faces of their learning space friends. Amazing parents, we aim for the zoom to anchor the day around school delivery of remote learning, assisting you as you support learning from home. 

Teaching staff deserve recognition for their commitment and delivery of quality and relevant work to their students. Continuing with the planned scope and sequence of learning, as best as possible, has been our goal. Having already prepared this work for regular delivery in a learning space, adaptation to a digital platform requires specific skills and significant time.  It is necessary for all parents to understand that teachers require the students to engage in the learning at the level that is possible in a home environment, supervised by parents/carers. We expect and understand that challenges may arise in some circumstances. Wellbeing for staff and families has been a priority. 

 Students who are present on the school site are participating in the exact same learning, in the exact same manner, as students at home, excepting that supervision and support is provided by St Joseph’s School staff. 

The Annual Satisfaction Survey 

This has been postponed at this point in time as a measure to reduce pressure on parents, staff and students, as we live our lives in the current lockdown restrictions. Advanced notification will be provided prior to the survey opening. 

Book Week Parade 

While we cannot have our planned whole school Book Week Parade, it is still possible to hold a modified version of this event.  As a matter of interest, the 2021 Book Week theme is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. 


For those students who would love to dress up in character and showcase their favourite book, this will happen in the Friday zoom meeting. This opportunity is optional for parents and students. No prizes will be awarded. It will be for our literary enjoyment only. 

Kindergarten Transition and Orientation 

Due to current NSW restrictions these events have been postponed. Once we have a line of sight around when and how schools can include these important events into their calendars, we will launch our St Joseph’s processes.  


Term 4

I look forward to my extended stay at St Joseph's School until the conclusion of the 2021 school year.