VET (Vocational Education Training) Courses give students a good insight into industries and many of our students move from a VET course into School Based Apprenticeships or fulltime apprenticeships.

Do you enjoy ‘hands on’ practical training with less theory-based learning?

Are you keen to learn more about an industry, maybe Construction, Hairdressing, Animal Studies, Allied Health, Childcare, Automotive?

Would you like to pursue a School Based Apprenticeship or Full time Apprenticeship?

Maybe undertaking a VET Subject is for you.

Students can study a VET subject in Years 10, 11 & 12. It operates as part of VCE or VCAL pathway - VET courses are also available to our Year 10 students.

Students receive nationally-recognised accreditation on completion. It can include work placement and hands on experience. It caan add to your ATAR. It includes competency-based assessment and is usually a 2-year course.

Applications opened on Monday 2nd August for external VET options with The Gordon. For further information on VET options, students must email Julie Demasi, Careers Officer, jdemasi@tcc.vic.edu.au or call 52339237.

This needs to be done ASAP as some courses fill quickly.